Performance Culture

Our school is committed to building a quality performance culture because we are confident that we have in place a culture and processes that focus clearly on continuous improvement in the types of teaching and learning our students encounter, and on the professional learning and support to enable staff to do their jobs to the highest level.

Teachers newly appointed to the school have the support they need to contribute effectively and gain new understandings and support where needed.
Individual teachers and teams receive effective feedback from a variety of sources that allow them to continuously improve their practice.
Each teacher is assisted to develop a customised yearly learning and development plan that targets both their individual needs and those of the school and school system.
This plan includes very specific professional learning targets and identifies high quality, best practice opportunities for that learning to occur, most often provided at the school level.
All professional members of the school community share the belief that they are a learning community where all of the above points encourage and support them to be high performing teachers, who strive for continuous improvement.

The leadership team work on each of these identified elements. Our approach includes identifying positive structures and processes and meeting with the whole staff to gain their ideas and views. Together we create a picture of the professional culture at Eltham North that supports individual teachers, teams of specialist and support teachers, aides and the administration team. This culture is represented in diagrams and communications we use to promote constructive dialogue and conversations with staff.