Uniform Shop

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At Eltham North Primary School our students currently wear green and gold. Our uniform consists of comfortable, durable and affordable clothing that is readily available from our uniform supplier Spartan School Supplies. You can purchase through their website or from their store in Lower Plenty. We strongly encourage all children to wear the uniform.

We believe that the wearing our school uniform fosters pride in the school, encourages children to identify with the school and feel a sense of belonging.  It also assists with supervision and safety on visits out of the school and unifies students from varying social and cultural backgrounds into a cohesive school identity. 

The ENPS  broad-brimmed Sun Smart hat is a compulsory uniform item whenever students are outside during term one and four.

Orders are made online and once purchased they can be either delivered to your home address, this will incur a delivery fee, or sent to the school and will be sent home with your child. We do have some stock of second hand uniforms which will be available again for purchase each term. Iron on logos are available through the Office.

School Uniform: A reminder that our school uniform is expected to be worn at all times.  
Part of our school uniform is plain single colour socks. Ideally black, navy or white socks are best but we understand that sometimes there may be another plain colour worn. Bright coloured socks such as the Mad Mia brand that have significant embellishments and patterned socks are not part of the student uniform and shouldn’t be worn. 

Students are permitted to wear plain green, gold or black bottoms as part of our school uniform. These need to be logo free ( eg no 2XU or large logos displayed).
Students are also permitted to wear the ENPS 100 Year birthday t-shirt. We also require earrings to be studs or sleeper varieties. Long dangling earrings are a safety concern and not permitted. Students are not permitted to wear make-up to school.

In term 1 and 4 students must be wearing the wide brimmed sunhat to remain sun safe. Caps are not permitted. Students without protective hats will be directed to shaded areas during recesses and will not be playing in the playground.
Throughout the year we run several free dress days that provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their fashion talents! These are always great days!

As announced early last year, in 2026 we will be transitioning to our new uniform, more details will be available soon.  We will continue to run secondhand uniform sales throughout the year as well as new uniform being available through our supplier, Spartan. (details on our website). You are welcome to purchase iron on logos from the office if you choose to purchase uniform from Target, Kmart etc.