Classroom Structure

In recent years, the school has reorganised the classroom structure and we have 21 classrooms operating for 2025.

Classroom Structure

We believe that always being prepared to modify our class structure approach creates flexibility and allows us to cater for the range of student needs. Our intent is to maintain our team structures for staff which features level teams working together effectively to support student learning.

Team based planning

The year level structure of classes consolidates our practice of teachers working in teams as we plan and implement classroom programs. We introduced multiage classes for year 3+4 and year 5+6 teams. Student numbers in classes are low. With a larger staff team we are able to more fully take advantage of the many talents of our team members. The close partnership between teachers allow for interaction between classes, so that children are able to work both formally and informally with an increased number of supportive and sympathetic adults. Children benefit from seeing how adults work in teams in the real world of work.

We recognise that students have different needs and the best way to meet them is to deliver the content that is aimed at where the student is, ( we call this the student ‘entry point’) rather than aiming somewhere in the middle and then trying to differentiate from there. Currently, students with additional needs / low ability levels have been supported in literacy and numeracy ‘pull out of classroom’ programs. In classes,  students benefit both from an academic and psycho/social perspective; as does high ability / extension students as teachers focus more on what the students at that age are meant to know, and really teach that well so that children consolidate their learning and then spend time in extending their understandings and be engaged in challenging and personalised learning. Additional pull out support programs are modified and continue to feature in our school wide curriculum model.

In the current climate we are required to use a great deal of resilience building along with the challenge of developing students' emotional intelligence. We have children who come from single parent or blended families for whom school needs to be both a nurturing place and offer chances to interact with children of varying ages. These corsage relationships are vital for children's development of cooperative skills and tolerance of diversity.

Teachers generally operate programs where they cater for a broad range of abilities and maturity development.

We strive continuously to achieve the common goals we have set in pursuit of our vision to provide an innovative and progressive learning environment that engages, challenges and extends the learning capacity of all students. This 'quest' is supported by the cooperation and commitment of our School Council, our parents and all of our staff members. Our success is based on this common purpose.  Please feel free to respond with your thoughts about our 'classroom structures' at Eltham North Primary School.