Meet the Principal

May I extend to you and your child a very warm welcome to our school. My name is Tandy Johnson and I am a Principal at Eltham North Primary School.

Home-school Partnership

A feature of our school is our positive parent and teacher partnership which contributes to the high level of student achievement. We encourage students to develop a self esteem and a positive attitude towards learning and a feeling of self worth as they are encouraged to view themselves as being capable learners. 

We believe that all children should be encouraged to develop their independence, self esteem, co-operative work skills and their sense of creativity. It is their happiness, development and acceptance of themselves as people of worth, together with the acquisition of understanding and skills that will assist them to take part in their wider community.

Academic Results

We have 472 students enrolled for 2025. There are 21 classes operating. Class size in Yr Prep = 19 + Yr 1 = 20 + Yr 2 = 23 and in Years 3 + 4 = (23 - 25) + Yr 5 + 6 = (23 - 25) students. We are currently operating composite classes in Years 3/4 and 5/6.

Eltham North Primary School's academic results are very positive and continue to be consistently higher than state and at or above, 'like school' averages. Together, the school community is learning to make the school both environmentally sustainable and sustainable in terms of learning capacity and delivery. I am also very proud that our school has been awarded a 5 Star Sustainable School and a Healthy Eating School rating.

Student Leadership

Student Leadership initiatives are extensive and opportunities are available in formal processes including Junior School Council, School Captains, sporting, performing arts, photography, environmental education and computer technology.

Staff are enthusiastic and committed to their profession and work diligently to achieve the school goals and priorities. Graduate teachers are employed each year to complement the experienced staff with a strong team spirit evident. This team approach to planning, implementation and evaluation continues to be a very important feature of the school. A comprehensive professional development ensures that staff members participate in frequent, targeted professional learning.

Parents are welcome to join in all aspects of our school curriculum, teaching programs, class activities and school council teams.

With good knowledge of the school’s operation, our Parents and Friends Community have developed an effective partnership with the school to the benefit of their children.

A comprehensive school website informs the school community about 'What's New' and 'In Focus' topics occurring in the life of the students and the school. A weekly newsletter is available 'on Compass' to improve communication of school events and achievements.

This unique learning environment has architecturally designed innovative building and learning spaces that blend aesthetically into the peaceful bush setting. The grounds have been landscaped to cater for both active and passive play in shaded and protected areas.

Our staff and parents share the excitement and the responsibility of ensuring a happy, secure and successful commencement to primary school for your child.

David Foley


Profile Image - David Foley

David Foley
