Support & Extension

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Eltham North Primary School offers a range of support and extension programs designed for all stages of student achievement. Browse the programs listed to learn more about how we provide 'point of need' teaching and learning.

Support Programs

Little Learners Love Literacy Support Program

Prep - Year 2

An experienced literacy support teacher works with small groups of Prep students requiring additional support in the areas of phonological awareness and early literacy skills. The students receive 2 to 3 sessions during the week. Regular monitoring of student progress occurs and students are discontinued from the program when suitable progress has been made. At this stage, other students are invited to join the program.
Corrective Reading Program

Year 3-6

Corrective Reading is a highly structured Literacy Support Program and is taught by two experienced literacy support teachers and three teacher aides. Corrective Reading is aimed at improving a student’s decoding and/or comprehension skills. Students participate in 2 to 3 sessions per week. Students are reassessed upon completion of the program. Where necessary, students may be eligible for the next level of the program.
Speech and Language Therapy
Our Speech Therapist (in private practice) works at Eltham North Primary School one day per week. She completes assessments and therapy with students from Prep to year 6 presenting with the following issues: articulation difficulties, fluency (stuttering), expressive, receptive and pragmatic language difficulties.
Numeracy Support

Year 3-6

An experienced teacher and two teacher aides operate a year 3 to year 6 Numeracy Support Program. This program focuses on improving the basic numeracy skills of students, especially in Number and Algebra. The students receive 2 to 3 sessions per week.
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapist (in private practice) works at Eltham North Primary School one day per week. She completes assessment and therapy with students from Prep to year 6 presenting with the following issues:  fine and gross motor difficulties, emotional regulation skills and sensory processing difficulties.

Extension Programs

Student Excellence Program

Prep - Year 6

The Student Excellence Program provides an opportunity for high-achieving students in either Literacy or Numeracy to participate in a weekly program with a small group of like-minded students. These programs operate for 50 minutes per week over the term. The sessions are led by an experienced specialist teacher.
Some of the recent programs offered in the Student Excellence Program include the following:
The Maths Association of Victoria (MAV) Victorian Coding Challenge contains four challenge tasks. SEP students in Years 5 and 6 have used the high-level block-based visual language of Scratch to create various shapes, maths games and a maze. Our students have problem-solved to make adjustments and determine solutions throughout this unit.
Our Year 4 SEP unit on poetry involved the students reading and writing various formats including free verse, ballads and limericks. The following literary devices were examined: personification, similes, metaphors and imagery, and the students then incorporated these elements into their own poems.
3D shapes have been a recent focus of the Year 3 SEP Numeracy lessons. The students have been drawing triangular, rectangular and hexagonal prisms while learning about congruent faces and dotted lines to show hidden edges. Next, they have estimated and measured the dimensions of a quadrilateral face on their boxes. Through the use of various 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication methods, they have then determined the area of that face of those boxes.
Born to Soar
Eltham North Primary School is a host of Born to Soar.

Born to Soar is a program established since 2013, an award winning provider of gifted education offering 'One Day School' courses within Australian schools. Please see their website for the cost to parents for participation.
Small class groups of students collaborate in fast paced learning environments.
Our student courses are designed to specifically address the mind of a highly able and gifted thinker, to be challenging and fast-paced while allowing for a deep, rich exploration of concepts and ideas. Our uniquely designed curriculum for highly able and gifted students is aligned to the Australian curriculum. Our professional team engages the students in both enrichment and extension, delivering learning outcomes underpinned by social emotional well-being understandings.

Classes at Eltham North Primary School
Enterceler (Prep to Year 2) – Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm
Entersoar (Year 3 to Year 6) – Friday 9.30am to 3pm
More information at
Maths Olympiad

Year 5-6

The Maths Olympiad Program is an opportunity for students in Years 5 & 6 to represent Eltham North Primary School in a series of 6 x Mathematical competitions. Students are selected for the program based on their performance in a practice test. Selected students participate in a weekly session, where they have the opportunity to work individually and/or with a partner to solve a range of complex maths problems. Students are taught a range of problem-solving strategies for approaching the types of questions they encounter in each of the Maths Olympiad competitions.
Victorian High-Ability Program
The Victorian High-Ability program provides opportunities for high-ability students in Years 5 & 6 to participate in 10-week online extension and enrichment programs in English and Mathematics. The virtual program, delivered by Virtual School Victoria focuses on extending and developing students' mathematical and English abilities. After completing the virtual program, students participate in a face-to-face masterclass with other high-ability students from schools in their local area.