Support Services

Staff and leadership have dedicated unprecedented resources and focus on ensuring every student receives a comprehensive and effective support program.

Eltham North Primary School utilises the talents of many highly skilled people to coordinate and implement highly valuable Support programs for students. Summarised below is a list of the Support Services team and the roles associated with the services provided.

Comprehensive & Integrated Support Model

Education Psychology

Our Assistant Principal, Stephen Hayes is a registered Psychologist and is available to provide psycho-educational assessments. These assessments aim to determine the nature of a child’s learning difficulties and provide resources and support to the child’s teachers and parents. Assessments can also be completed for high-achieving students to determine their intellectual strengths. Stephen is also available to provide short-term counselling to students and parents for issues that may affect a child at school.

Speech and Language

Speech and language pathologist with the Department of Education are available for speech and language assessments and short-term speech therapy. Renee Bell is a speech and language pathologist and is available to provide expressive and receptive language assessments. She operates the Expressive / Receptive Language Program for individual children / small groups of children with language-related difficulties.  Danni La Ferlita is an occupational therapist who works at our school fortnightly.

Disability Support

This program aims to support students with a recognised disability by providing additional resources to support these students at school. These students are usually supported with an integration aide to work with them individually and within the classroom. Students may be eligible for assistance under the Disabilities Inclusion program if they meet the criteria for any of the following: Intellectual Disability, Severe Language Disorder (with critical educational needs), Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Physical Impairment, Severe Behaviour Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Visiting Teacher Service

The Visiting Teacher Service supports students who may have a hearing, visual, physical or health impairment. These teachers visit Eltham North Primary School weekly to work with these students and support their class teachers and parents.

Integration Aides

Our Integration Aide staff have all completed their training in Education Support. Integration aides work with students who have qualified for funding within the Disability Inclusion program. They provide in-class assistance to their student in the areas of academic learning, as well as supporting the student’s social and emotional wellbeing.

Teacher Aides

Our Teacher Aides have completed their training in Education Support. Teacher Aides work in classrooms assisting the class teacher and supporting all students in the areas of academic learning and social and emotional wellbeing. Some of our teacher aides have had additional training and implement small group programs in literacy and numeracy support.

Support Teachers

Our support teaching staff are all qualified teachers who have additional training in the implementation of a range of literacy and numeracy support programs. They provide valuable small group support or extension/enrichment to students requiring additional assistance in literacy and numeracy from Foundation to Year 6. The support teachers also complete a range of assessments with students to assist in grouping the students, as well as providing feedback to class teachers. Our team of talented support staff include: Stephen Hayes as coordinator of Support initiatives