Program Details and Goals

The purpose of the OSHC program is to provide affordable, reliable and high quality out of hours care for students of Eltham North Primary School, reflecting the needs of our school community. Operate programs in a safe, caring and well supervised environment appropriate for primary aged students. Offer students a broad range of stimulating and enjoyable activities as well as a place to read, study, relax or play.


Before School Care –  Breakfast is available from 7.00 am to 8.00 am. Cereal is offered until 8.15 am and students have a choice of cereals, toast, toasted sandwiches, milk and on occasions pancakes.

After School Care – Students are served a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as a variety of meals on a rotational basis. These foods include tacos, pancakes, chicken wraps, sandwiches and spaghetti bolognese. This is served once the students have been marked on the attendance roll.

Curriculum Days – The students are to provide their snacks for morning and afternoon, and lunch.  Breakfast Club will operate as usual.

If your child has special needs, or there is food and drinks they cannot have, please provide details on enrolment and notify the co-ordinator.

Enrolment Procedures

A registration fee of $30 per family per year is charged annually. A completed online Registration Form must be lodged for each student prior to them being accepted into our program. Many families choose to make permanent bookings, however casual bookings are welcome. Please be mindful if you are making a casual booking that from time to time there may not be availability to approve your request.

Indoor & Outdoor Activities

A wide variety of craft activities are offered each week.  Some are provided on a regular basis eg. hama beads, painting, and clay.   Other activities are offered as special experiences, which relate to a particular time of year, or need, or interest of the students such as cooking, sewing,  puppets and stuffed animals. Quieter activities are offered including construction, puzzles, reading, group games etc.  An area is available for students to complete homework.  Students are encouraged to make their own choices for experiences, and they offer the students any help and encouragement they require.

A variety of outdoor activities are available each day including skipping, tennis, basketball and cricket etc.  A staff member is rostered outdoors every day.


The Out of School Hours Care program operated by Eltham North Primary School includes:

Before School Care (BSC)

After School Care (ASC)

Curriculum Day Care (CDC)

Vacation Care during School Holidays

Parents using these programs have access to fee subsidy.  The OSHC Management team is accountable to the Eltham North Primary School Council for determining such aspects of the program as its function, staffing,  financial arrangements and the type of programs offered.  Project team meetings are held once a month and welcome the involvement of any parents using the program.

The team consists of:

  • Convenor
  • Treasurer
  • Parent Representatives
  • Co-ordinator
  • Principal

An Annual General Meeting is held at the time of the School Council Annual General Meeting (currently late March) when a team is elected.

Health & Safety

Staff must be notified in writing of any medications to be taken during the session times or of any known food allergies. Students are supervised by a staff member in the outdoor areas as well as in the OSHC rooms. All injuries are recorded in the ‘Accident/Illness Book’ which is to be signed by parent/guardian of injured child.


The OSHC educators welcome regular communication with parents regarding their child’s needs and will endeavour to keep parents informed about the program through notifications on the Xplor app.


Fees are paid via a scheduled direct debit that is set up when you enrol via the Xplor app. Payments are debited from your nominated credit card or bank account each Thursday. If there are insufficient funds in your account Xplor will charge a dishonour fee of $19.95 This fee is nothing to do with Eltham North Primary School OSHC and is charged directly to Xplor. Fees are paid weekly. If your account remains outstanding for more than four weeks your child's place within our program can be removed until full payment is received.

Most families are able to access some form of fee relief through the Child Care Subisdy through Centrelink/My Gov account.

Goals For Students

  • to enjoy a stable environment that is inviting, comfortable, attractive for students, and a happy and exciting place to be.
  • to access a wide variety of supervised play and recreational activities including expressive art, construction,  active play, sports, games, dramatic play, science, cooking, crafts and reading.
  • to participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate activities which assist the social,  emotional, creative and physical development of primary school aged students.
  • to be supervised by caring staff, who show genuine respect for the students and use a positive approach in relation to the guidance of student’s behaviour, recognising each child’s individuality, promoting their confidence and self-esteem.
  • students are encouraged to develop co-operative and caring relationships with their peers and adults.

Goals For Parents

  • to enable parents/guardians to pursue work, study, training or other activities in the knowledge that their children are being well cared for in a safe and happy environment.
  • to provide affordable care during times when students are not in school, including early dismissal and curriculum days.
  • to provide two-way communication between parents and staff and to ensure that parents are well informed about the program and their student’s experiences.

Vacation Care

Hours of operation are 7.30 am - 6.00pm
A decision was made in 2024 to only offer a Vacation Care program during the first week of April, June/July and September holidays. Our January program is offered the week prior to the beginning of the school year. The Vacation Care program will only proceed if minimum numbers are confirmed. Information regarding our Vaation Care program is posted on Compass and through an Xplor notification. This will include incursions being offered and sates for bookings will close. Payments for Vacation Care is due at the time of bookings and the bookings are not confirmed until payment is received. Bookings that are not paid upfront will be removed. If the program is cancelled this will be communicated via Compass and Xplor.