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May 23, 2024

Community Working Bee

Our families assist to improve our graden beds and school grounds
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Our families assist to improve our graden beds and school grounds
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Our recent working bee was abuzz with families beautifying our school. There were groups mulching garden beds and others topping up the playground mulch. Many were on painting duty making the atrium look fresh with our terracotta pots receiving a burst of colour in paint and bursts of colour in the pots with new plantings. The OSHC pots were also topped up with colour.

Paths were swept, leaf litter was cleared and drains unblocked. The gifts from the pigeons were pressure washed away and everyone enjoyed catching up over a sausage as well as a Zooper Dooper if you measured under 5ft!

Thank you to all of the families who came and supported our pre 100th Birthday Spring clean. Your efforts were appreciated and made a huge difference. Darren is especially grateful and appreciates your support too! Thank you to the Seth Ferwerda for organising this event and to Elsa for capturing the mood with her camera!

See photo galleries link.

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