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July 24, 2024

New seating areas for student

Wellbeing leaders create quiet zones
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Wellbeing leaders create quiet zones
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Janine Tucker (Mental Health and Well-being coordinator) has been working with the well-being leaders to involve this group in projects around the school grounds to create areas for children to have quiet time.  Building student voice and agency is very important and this team actively thought of some great ideas.  Janine arranged for them to meet with a landscape company. The school funded these projects. Behind the school assembly area a walking path and seating area was created. A large sculpture was installed. Many children had created a mosaic tile display on large pencils during lunchtime sessions with the assistance of Mary Lou Pittard (local Potter). Another area near the Mindfulness Centre was treated and more seating and mosaic pencils installed around a second sculptural display. The next area to be developed is up near the back gate at the top of the ramp.  This is a very large fairly flat area and something very special can go there.  We are open to gathering lots of great ideas.

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