Busytimes at ENPS. Continuing on this term, year levels have enjoyed the opportunity to work with Mary Lou Pittard. It has been a wonderful pottery program onoffer and the students have built their skills over time and shown great creative talent and skills. The standard of work produced is very high quality. We hope to upload photos from pottery classes to our new school website very soon. See photo gallery .
The Prep transition program for Kinder kids has been successful and class teachers and students are now allocated for the commencement of school next year.
Year 3 Camp to Yarra Junction was completed in November and our year 5 students are at Neerim this week. It is a huge organisational process to make our outdoor education program operate smoothly. Our experienced staff and great planninghas been valuable. The children love the opportunity to go on camp and it remains a highlight of the school year for students.
Prep Swimming program is under way for our Prep level and other year level programs are about to commence. We were able to expand the program this year due to DET funding grant.
Here is the latest update of classrooms for 2023: We will operate 24 classes and we are very pleased to offer thefollowing structure. Today, the mix of students per class and all year levels are identified below.
Preps will have 16/17 students per class x 4 classes
Year1 will have 19/20 students per class x 3 classes
Year2 will have 20/21 students per class x 4 classes
Year3 will have 25/26 students per class x 3 classes
Year4 will have 21/22 students per class x 4 classes
Year5 will have 27/28 students per class x 3 classes
Year6 will have 27 students per class x 3 classes
Our student placement process for classes has been determined. In each class we have a mix of student attributes that include academic, social and emotional considerations across each level to form even groups. Next Monday 5 December is our transition day where students will meet their teachers and peers for 2023.
We are offering an expanded range of specialist subjects for 2023. Specialistprograms will include Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education,Science, Library and Auslan.
Other great initiatives on offer will include the Tutor Learning Initiative (Tli). Our school has received funding to assign part-time teachers to lead programs tutoring students who need assistance in literacy and numeracy. This is a very successful initiative year 1 – 6 is offering a significant benefit to many children across all year levels.
Student Excellence program. This is a highly valued initiative that had to cease in term 4 this year, but it is funded for 2023. Student extension in literacy and numeracy is provided for year middle and senior students
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator initiative. Our school has received funding to reappoint a part-time Health and Well-being teacher for 2023. Janine Tucker operates this program from the mindfulness centre. Her program provides greatsupport for staff and students.
Additional Services for 2023: We have a range of paraprofessional, teacher and aides operating. This is a comprehensive and unique group of talented people working to offer a comprehensive and integrated support model. This team support the class teacher teams. The ENPS staff provision is broad and highly talented. We will have the following team offering the support model. Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapist, Disability co-ordinator, Visiting Teacher Service, Support and Extension teachers, Integration and teacher aides.
A new Instrumental Music program for 2023 will be operated by Adam Roach Music School. Adam Roach has been teaching guitar and drims at ENPS for 20 years and has now taken over the program and employed staff to lead drums, guitar, keyboard and singing in small group configurations. This is an exciting opportunity to introduce your child to learning a musical instrument at school. The program will be open to all year levels.
Upcoming events include the following
Monday 5 Dec: Start Year 3 + 4 Swimming program
Wednesday 7 Dec: Teacher Professional Development Day – no students attend school
Thursday 8 Dec: our annual Community Picnic, BBQ, singalong and Bushwahzee Band
Friday 9 Dec: Year 1 excursion
Monday 12 Dec: Start Year 1 Swimming program and Year 6 Graduation Night
Friday 16 Dec: Year 4 BDO + Year 5/6 Survivor Day
Mon 19 Dec: Year 1 + Year 5/6 BDO
Tues 20 Dec: Last day and final assembly @ 1.00 pm Dismissal is at 1.30 pm